Had a good day

Started out with waking up and having couple of hours to get ready and go to see a couple of friends of mine, Danele and Delandus, do chest suspensions for another friends documentary. it turned out to be a great afternoon, very beautiful and a great example of the continuum on which people approach suspensions. Danele was probably the quietest and most peaceful i have ever seen her do a chest suspension and Delandus had what seemed to me to be a very intense and cathartic experience. he was able to get off the ground and get through the process with tremendous beauty, (there was not a dry eye in the theater) and I feel like it was a successful experience for all as the documentary was seeking to use this to illuminate both what different experiences people can have with the same sort of suspension and also what a tremendously varied audience would think of viewing such an intense ritual. very interesting. we were unable to stay for the discussion group portion of the afternoon, but i cant wait to see how all of this turns out...

having a light dinner at basta's and then going out to a strip club later to help celebrate with danele... all in all a nice relaxing day.

read my friend Mikes first blog post from Ghana where he is spending a month ( lucky bastard!) and i was inspired to start blogging again.

I got my new Aspire One netbook and its portability and convienience is helping to bring together all of my online worlds an create more of a cohesive online presence and experience.


over and OUT

The Reverend Purrv23
::::: Creo Ergo Sum :::::
I Make, Therefore I Am.

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