An Amazing Photoshop Alternative!

I dont own photoshop for the PC or Mac anymore,
the version i used to have is sadly out of date and the
CD has gone missing into the abyss...

but then I discovered:

It is basically a free Photoshop clone that works completely online...
you can sign up for a free account and use the online version,
or upgrade to Sumo Pro and get the locally installed version of Sumo Paint
and some other benifits and extras for $19 a year.

go check it out! I think it rocks! All the photo editing you need on the fly,
or it can be used as a complete painting or drawing program to create art
from scratch. If you sign up for the free acount you get online image storage
as well, but you dont have to have an account in order to use the program.

There is also a seemingly robust online community surrounding the
software and a large image library of all the images and Art that people are
creating with it. Just one more beautiful example of cloud computing that is
IMHO the future of where we are headed with computers.

I like Sumo Paint because it is cross platform, (mac, PC or Linux etc.)
and it does everything people really need from an image editing program.
Whether to quickly optimise your photos, or crop and edit them for content,
before you upload them to your facebook photo album or other social
networking site etc. etc. etc...

A huge bonus is that the GUI is similar in many ways to Photoshop functionally,
so if you are used to using Photoshop it does not take a ton of time to figure it out..

Let me know if you check it out and like it, I am always interested to know
if my suggestions help people out.

The Reverend Purrv23
::::: Creo Ergo Sum :::::
I Make, Therefore I Am.

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