Enjoy the Full Moon tonight!

My girlfriend pointed me to an article today on yahoo entitled Saturday Night Special: Biggest full Moon of 2009. about tonights full moon. It happens to be the full moon of the year where the moon is at perigee, or its closest point in orbit to the earth. So it affects our tides and other things most strongly. (in July the moon will be at apogee, or its farthest point in orbit from the Earth.)

That also means that tonights full moon will appear 14 percent bigger. this doesn't sound like a lot until you actually look at the difference.

That looks fairly significant to me. and considering the craziness that occurs out in nightclub land and throughout the world on a full moon ( I know this has never been scientifically proven, but I KNOW it is the way it works) tonights full moon should really do a number on people. So enjoy yourself out there and be aware that if you find yourself feeling more emotional right now this is probably at least one of the several astrological reasons that I can find for it.

There are a couple of other pages I found at www.space.com like this Article about what makes our world go "round or moon mechanics, that really struck me as being facinating. this is informationt that I think everyone should know. It really makes you gain a little perspective.

My advice? Reach out and love that special someone a little extra the next couple of days. They probably need it, and I now they will thank you for it. Tell them I said so.

The Reverend Purrv23
::::: Creo Ergo Sum :::::
I Make, Therefore I Am.

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