TriMet ticket machine crash

Well, I had to post these here for a start and then see if I could get them to someone at the Portland Mercury who would appreciate the irony...

There has been a whole rash of problems with the TriMet ticket machines in the last year and as a frequent trimet rider I was highly amused when my girlfriend brought the crashed ticket machine to my attention.

It certainly explains a lot. no wonder why TriMet cant seem to get the machines to work properly and seem to be kind of defensive about the issues even.

Maybe if they tried a different operating system they would have less problems. in my experience Macintosh OS X has much less problems with being left running for days at a time. The last time i tried to do that with a windows machine, it just kept crashing.

But that is just another symptom of a broken system. If you try to run an infrastructure on a flawed syistem, its going to keep crashing. I am willing to bet on it.

heh heh

stay tuned for more, its gonna get exciting around here :)

The Reverend Purrv23
::::: Creo Ergo Sum :::::
I Make, Therefore I Am.

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